Washington University School of MedicineAdvanced Technology Consortium

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Where do I get a Case Number?

  • Case numbers are assigned when a patient is registered or randomized with the cooperative study group.
  • Case numbers are sent to data managers as part of registration/randomization confirmations.
  • Check with your research associate/data manager for case numbers.
  • For credentialing submissions ("dry-run", benchmark, phantom) there is no case number -- use "dry", "dryrun", "benchmark", or "phantom" to identify data.
  • Note that the NSABP B39/RTOG 0413 trial has a 9 digit number assigned for each case:
    • the first 2 numbers will be 79
    • the next 4 are the case number
    • the last 3 numbers are specific to the institution.
    Thus, "790165032" indicates case 0165 of this protocol.

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