Washington University School of MedicineAdvanced Technology Consortium

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Request for Access to Data Collected in Protocols Supported by the ATC

The following guidelines have been developed by the ATC to establish a mechanism for investigators to obtain approval for use of data collected in protocols supported by the ATC.

    1. All requests must be submitted on the “Request for Use of Data Collected by ATC (ITC)" form.
    2. Data that have not been previously published in a peer-reviewed publication may be released but must be approved by the Cooperative Group chair, the ATC P.I., and the appropriate ATC sub-contract P.I.
    3. A copy of the research plan for the analysis must be received and reviewed by the Group chair or his/her designate and the ATC P.I. and ATC subcontractor P.I. before data are released. The research plan must include: names of investigators; objectives; background; type of data requested; and analysis plan. Approval by all three P.I.’s is required.
    4. Recognition of the Cooperative Group and the appropriate ATC member on the authorship line and in the acknowledgements of any subsequent publication is required.
    5. Funds for preparing the data may be requested by the Cooperative Group and the ATC member QA Center.